

To be a holistic, inspirational, and high-achieving Christian educational institution wholeheartedly dedicated to God and others.

We implement an educational process that emphasizes students, educators, and other staff, as well as administrators, being able to recognize, nurture, utilize, and enjoy all the potential that God has bestowed as His blessings so that they, individually and collectively, become a blessing to others.

Greetings in the love of Christ,

Once again, we meet on the PPPK Petra website and social media platforms. Undoubtedly, there are many stories we wish to share. What developments have PPPK Petra undertaken to welcome the new academic year 2022/2023?
The COVID-19 pandemic may gradually decline, but new variants continue to emerge. Sometimes, it makes us anxious. However, we must continue to move forward.

Last April 2022, during our 71st anniversary, PPPK Petra held the soft launch of Alam Sari Petra. What is Alam Sari Petra? It is an urban lab farm designed for urban farming education at all levels. Its location is right in the city centre, precisely on Tegalsari Street. Aside from being a learning space, Alam Sari Petra is expected to contribute to the surrounding environment and beloved Surabaya.

This year, Petra opened a new school, SMA Kristen Petra Acitya, following the establishment of SMP Kristen Petra Acitya two years ago. The school aims to educate its students and develop their full potential. They will delve deep into subjects related to their interests and talents, in line with the Merdeka Curriculum implemented in all Petra schools.

Petra is ready to embrace the era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. We equip our students to face the imminent future confidently.
Amidst all this, we must not forget that God enables us to accomplish everything.
Isn’t the fear of God the beginning of all knowledge?

Welcome to the new era.

Drs. Elia Indargo, 1st Chairman of the Board of Trustees, PPPK Petra

Number of Schools

36 Schools in Surabaya and Sidoarjo


Petra PPPK history

  • 1952

    VOICS handed over Christelijke Mulo to BPPK-THKTKH, and then it became Petra 2 Christian Middle School, with the school principal Mr M.P. Guarantee.

  • 1951

    The Tiong Hoa Kie Tok Kauw Hwee Education and Teaching Agency (BPPK-THKTKH), founded by seven Christian figures from the THKTKH church, opened junior and senior high schools in the evening (evening school) by renting five classrooms at Christelijke Mulo owned by VOICS (Vereniging tot Oprichting en Instandhouding van Christelijke Scholen) on Jalan Embong Wungu, Surabaya. These later became Petra 1 Christian Middle School and Petra 1 Christian High School. The principals of these two schools were Bhe Hok Liong.


Petra provides several health support programs to monitor and enhance students’ physical development while promoting a healthy lifestyle. These health support programs, which are generally part of the school curriculum, include education, monitoring, and training in developing and caring for the human body and maintaining physical fitness.

Emotional Intelligence equips students with emotional competencies, namely:

  1. Self-awareness is a person’s ability to understand their emotions and recognize how their instincts can influence their decisions.
  2. Self-management – involves one’s emotions and impulses, as well as their ability to adapt to a changing environment.
  3. Social awareness – the ability to feel, understand, and react to the emotions of others.
  4. Relationship management – the ability to inspire, influence and make others better.

We believe every child is unique and special because God equips every child with different gifts and talents. Recognizing the importance of students’ skills and talents, Petra Christian School Board provides various programs and activities to develop students’ potential. The Petra PPPK talent development program aims to motivate students to focus on discovering and developing their full potential and talents so that students can make their lives more meaningful and be a blessing to those around them.

We believe that inculcating Christian moral values ​​from an early age will help children have a strong conscience and spirituality, enabling them to live a holistic Christian life and build a meaningful life for themselves, their families, the nation and the country.

To face the rapid challenges of scientific advancements today. Students require the acquisition of academic excellence. Academic excellence refers to the ability to perform, achieve, and excel in school educational activities. Various academic fields measure academic excellence through the achievements attained. We guarantee continuous education for students to achieve academic excellence in multiple areas according to their interests.


“Beyond Academics” is our campaign that aims to rejuvenate our image as a leading Christian school with a holistic education program. More than just focusing on academic excellence, we provide a more advanced 21st-century education for future generations.
