Sandra Angelia – Alumni of Petra 2 Christian Junior High School, Manyar

“This is unity for better life”
Although I lived and studied in Perth, Australia for a long time, I still vividly remember the days when I attended TK Kristen Petra Pucang. Besides enjoying the company of good school friends, I loved the playground so much that I wished to be picked up late just to play a little longer.
I also recall some teachers, like my English teacher at SD Kristen Petra Pucang. Oh, she was very strict, making me feel bored during her classes back then. But when I moved to Perth, oh dear, I felt panicked and wondered whom to ask for help. It was then that I truly realized how valuable her teachings were. There were also unexpected teachers, like Mrs. Evelyn, the teacher of class V-A. Because of her somewhat intimidating demeanor, I was scared before anything even happened, even though she was actually very kind. Overall, behind those memories, I can say that the education I received at PPPK Petra was excellent. From an early age, we were taught discipline, both academically and spiritually, supported by high-quality teachers. Well, I can say Petra is one of the best Christian schools in Surabaya.
I had the opportunity to be selected in the Miss Indonesia 2008 pageant. It was an honor to introduce Indonesia’s achievements and culture to the international stage. As an alumna, I truly hope that extraordinary figures from Petra’s alumni will emerge in the future. Whether they become leaders, politicians, bankers, lawyers, artists, or figures in other fields, they should contribute positively to Indonesian society. Achieving this goal requires collaboration from various parties. This is where the networking done by IKAPETRA will play a significant role in facilitating Petra’s alumni to continue nurturing and developing relationships in various fields.
This is unity for a better life.